After 20 Years, Is Frederick Herzberg Still Right? (Part 2)
Originally published at
Yesterday, I began answering the question: Is psychologist Frederick Herzberg still right about business management? Well, here is the second part of my answer...
Part II: Where does Herzberg’s work actually fit in among the many variants of management theory?
There has been a century-long progression once we began viewing management as a profession, separate from the craft of making things. That vision started with the assembly lines, moved through the notion of whiz kids and the logistical skills that won World War II, and toward the rise of conglomerates where few superior generalists and financial engineers could manage anything. Then entered the academics, and the split between behaviorists (simplifiers) and strategists (complicators)—think the two-minute manager versus 600 pages “on strategy.” And it ends with the professional gurus and their flavor-of-the-month “secret sauce.”
This continuum has a clear pattern: It sees people less as parts of a process to be standardized and made error-resistant and more as holistic human beings. That’s where employee motivation becomes much more important than the simplification of work. Herzberg’s breakthrough was understanding the actual particulars that engage the Abraham side of human nature while reducing the reliance on channeling or controlling the Adam side.
Part III: What does McKinsey's work on high-performing cultures say and what was their data?
First and foremost, I would refer interested readers to the actual summary article from the McKinsey Quarterly 1995, Number 3.
McKinsey’s data started by looking at relative performance (total shareholder return) of more than 1,000 public companies. The standard was those who consistently outperformed over long periods, through business cycles and during times of both strength and weakness in their respective industries. Only 10 percent met that threshold. McKinsey then studied what the high-performing subset had in common, finding that it was culture, more so than strategic superiority.
McKinsey identified six common characteristics of the workplace cultures that defined the highest-performing firms. Here they are:
Driven by leaders, often with “unreasonable expectations”
Relentless in their pursuit of “before-the-fact” strategies, expressed in terms of the value proposition, not just financial gain
Energized by an extraordinarily intense performance-driven environment
Organized in relatively simple structures, with accountability and reporting lines clear and replicable as the company grew
Success was based on world-class skills that underpinned strategy, including management itself
Rejuvenated by well-developed people systems, with leadership aware of top performers two to three levels down
What was perhaps most telling about McKinsey’s work is that, unless your company possessed all or nearly six of these cultural characteristics, the drop-out from the high-performing cluster was not linear. It happened if you lacked just one or two of the factors, not to mention four or five. The highest-performing firms could lay claim to all of the characteristics.
Over and over again, I have noticed that high-performing cultures drive performance through intensity and toughness. Those cultures produce and rely on employees who are resilient in fighting adversity. They are not pampered, but rather take constructive criticism well and apply it to boost their own performance. This, in turn, ultimately increases their satisfaction on the job.
I liken it to the Marines—“The Few, The Proud, The Marines.” In business, high-performing cultures are few and far between, and tough. With the benefit of hindsight, I realized that, in my first two CEO stints running large banks, our success was a product of following Herzberg’s rule to make worthwhile accomplishment the centerpiece of work. Most big banks create the perception that your importance amounts to the number of people who report to you, but I knew that the proverbial “pyramid” made the strongest bankers administrators and diverted their attention away from customers. I insisted on a flat organization, where we cloned divisions as we grew, so we had more senior people serving as our direct faces in the market.
Compensation was driven by customer count and margin produced, not the size of organization, and we gave each team a small administrative unit to handle budgeting, file maintenance, and the rest. Our employees loved it, as did customers, since they gained direct access to the decision-makers and the sense that they mattered. Meaning was everything.
In many cases, the power and position that come with being “public-facing” and trusted to represent the firm can outweigh a 10 percent salary raise or a hefty Christmas bonus, since those are just fleeting moments. As Herzberg predicted, high-performing cultures pride themselves as places that make people feel like they are doing worthwhile work. This also means being challenged and rewarded proportionally based on results, with accomplishments being made visible. From an employee’s perspective, the goals are made clear and they are proud of their association with the company.
Part IV: “Secrets from the Search Firm Files”
As Dean of Kelley, one of my goals was to produce more graduates from our degree and executive program that would make it to the C-suite, especially the CEO level. And I knew that the data existed with search firms that handled recruiting for jobs at that level. So I got one of the top executive recruitment firms at the time to open their files and let me work with their partners to determine the “must-have” qualities when they did CEO-level searches.
These are the six specs that topped the list in a strong majority of those searches:
History of demonstrated results
Ability to think strategically
Communication skills
Fit with company culture
Interpersonal skills
Reputation for organizational building
My recent conversations with current search firm leaders tell me that, while the second tier of factors has evolved to include more international experience and a greater appreciation of digitization, the top six qualities are just as relevant today. Not only that, but they are also in tune with Herzberg’s understanding of culture. His is the holistic view of human nature, which leaves it to leaders to ignite our drives for usefulness, recognition, and earned accomplishment.
George Bernard Shaw put it best with his quote: “I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community and, as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me; it is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for a moment. And I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it to the future generations.”
Approach leadership accordingly. Approach culture accordingly, and Herzberg’s words will continue to ring true for generations to come.