After 20 Years, Is Frederick Herzberg Still Right? (Part 1)
Originally published at
Twenty years ago, psychologist Frederick Herzberg posed an enduring question in Harvard Business Review, “How Do You Motivate Employees?”
Two decades later, Herzberg’s article—based on his 1966 book, Work and the Nature of Man—remains one of the most widely read columns in business management. But is he still right?
Yes, for the most part, and I will explain why in this two-part article. Herzberg was largely correct in arguing that employers need to make their employees’ jobs “more interesting” to drive satisfaction and productivity, rather than solely focusing on praise, punishment, or cash. Herzberg was spot-on enough for me to incorporate his teachings as the CEO at four different multibillion-dollar companies, and successfully so.
At the CEO level, the market data on sustained high performance shows that the tiny minority of high-performing companies maintain cultures that very much lean into the conditions yielding motivation, as described by Herzberg. The rules have not changed much, if at all.
Of course, Herzberg was writing about a different world of work. He was primarily focused on floor-line workers and their direct supervisors in a workplace where the jobs and skill requirements were fairly homogenous. The workforce is more diverse now, with more types of workers and different kinds of employee tiers. There are also generational differences, with Millennials and Gen Zers bringing unique perspectives to the table that did not necessarily exist before. The modern-day emphasis on “ESG,” for instance, could not have been foreseen by Herzberg or his peers.
It used to be the case that motivated employees were proud of their company’s goods or services. It was enough for Honda or Toyota employees to be fulfilled in producing reliable vehicles that didn’t break down often, thereby improving their customers’ commutes. But that isn’t necessarily enough for younger generations concerned about issues like climate change or income inequality.
Millennials and Gen Zers are more likely to think beyond their respective employers, taking society at large into consideration. In that regard, workplace culture has changed, since business leaders often need to prove that they are responsible global stewards, and not just stewards within the automobile industry. The perception of doing something worthwhile for Planet Earth means more now than it ever did before.
But, even factoring in changing motivations, Herzberg is still pretty much right. Starting in 1991, I got involved in fundamental market research that ended up supporting his notions, first as a “counsel to the firm” of McKinsey & Company while their leadership team developed original work on high-performing cultures. Then, between 1993 and 1996, I served as Dean of Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business, publishing a book with real data on required CEO skills from actual search firm files. That list of skills only reinforces the work of Herzberg and McKinsey, so let’s dive into it:
Part I: What did Herzberg actually say and what was his evidence?
The sub-headline of Herzberg’s article gets to the point quickly: “Forget praise, forget punishment, forget cash, you need to make the jobs more interesting.” But what did he mean by “interesting”?
Herzberg made the key distinction between extrinsic (to the job itself) factors, which only reduce dissatisfaction, and intrinsic ones that ultimately create positive satisfaction and motivation. He argues that extrinsic factors include but are not limited to company policy and administration, supervision, working conditions, salary, status, and security. Herzberg also notes that the true motivators are not the notions of job enhancement or job enrichment broadly, but only those that pass these litmus tests:
The changes bring the job up to the level of challenge commensurate with the skill that was hired.
Those who have skill and ability will be able to demonstrate it better and earn promotion.
Herzberg values the level of positive response when an employee is asked, “As you see it, how many opportunities do you feel that you have in your job for making a worthwhile contribution?” It is as simple as that to say, but complicated to do.
Check back tomorrow morning for the second part of this article...